Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cooler Than Cool - HDR

Ever notice that after you've been on a big vacation, taken lots of really awesome pictures, and get home to discover that the pictures looked nothing like what you actually saw?  Well, they aren't what you actually saw.  The eye is so much more capable of seeing than the camera. The camera simply can't account for the eye's ability to adjust to different light in situations which present a high dynamic range of dark and light areas.

But we have learned to fake it. And we can make some images really come to life!

High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a photographic process that involves combining three or more exposures into one final image bringing out the best in the lighter parts of a picture as well as the best of the darker parts of the shot. This process is best and most reliably used on landscapes or architecture. If you are planning to sell your home or you have commercial property you'd like to advertise, consider asking your photographer if they can create HDR images. Your realtor should know how to obtain these types of images as well. As a realtor, myself, I know that often times what you are selling people is a feeling.  Initial imagery can be an essential part of how a buyer feels about a purchase before ever having seen the property.

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