Thursday, April 19, 2012

Black and White

I'm a huge fan of black and white photography. For me as the viewer of the image, I find that black and white removes clutter so that I can actually see what is being presented to me. In this case, I want to see the child's beautiful little face. I don't want to be distracted by buttons or bows or blocks of color. Black and white brings the eye exactly where you want it to go.

Another good reason for printing in black and white is that it can be very unifying if you want to group images. Say that you have a particular wall where you want to display family photos, but you have several photos that may be from different venues or have different people in them. If you use black and white versions, these different images instantly become compatible. AND they don't compete with other interior design choices.

We have so many reasons to love black and white. But don't forget there are options such as different sepia tones, and other variations on the two-tone concept that can be sort of edgy or gritty depending on the look you are trying to achieve. In the world of digital photography, we have choices to suit every taste.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Why, thank you for visiting! Do come in!

This is an image I created when my children were small, but Ann Nagle Photography wasn't yet a twinkle in my eye. I have always loved art of every kind, but seem to gravitate to photography every time. Over the last year and a half, my photography has developed in part by numerous hours (and money, sorry Mr. Nagle *cringe*) in self-education to take my passion of photography to the next level. I'm proud of my progress, and in the spirit of a new website, new blog, and new career, I think I will post images I created simply for the love of photography.

I hope you will visit me here often. To me this is the place where you truly get to know me. Most of the posts will be photography related, but don't be surprised if I go off topic. I have a tendency to get inspired in many ways, winding up way down a path even I never expected.

Thanks for joining me!